Social Media Advertising

What is it?

Data-driven advertising, targeting YOUR potential clients via social media advertising.

86% of the Malaysian Population are active social media users!1 Bring your Brand to the front of their screens with great ease & accuracy.

Drive high-quality traffic to your website, grow your email list, increase conversion rate, widen brand reach, increase brand engagement & inbox notifications via our Social Media Advertising services below.

  • Facebook Advertising
  • Instagram Advertising
  • Twitter Advertising
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Google Advertising

Stuck in the funnel?

Low to no return on investments?

Word of the day is SCALE. Via thorough analysis we scale campaigns depending on the results for optimum ROI. But how do we know which campaign setup works best? A/B testing enters chat.

Why are we getting less conversions, we have a high follower count?

Don’t get caught chasing VANITY NUMBERS! Follower counts sure look good to the eye, but it’s better to have 1000 high-intent followers than 10000 generic followers.

We have previously invested into advertising but our costs were high and results low, why would it be different this time?

Assuming you have not done A/B Testing or they were not as fruitful, we will scale campaigns while doing micro A/B test to ensure most of the budget is spent on the highest performing campaign setup. This not only provides good ROIs but also more data we can work with.

This is how we work


We get to know the goals you wish to achieve via advertising as well as past initiatives that have been done. This is where we also explain the methods we can use to achieve your goal while still staying in your budget range.


Depending on the current state of your advertising initiatives we will setup a few approaches for your objectives. Once decided on the approach we will execute and adapt it as the campaign runs to gain optimum results.


With each campaign we run, we perform a thorough analysis and provide you with weekly/monthly reports. This data will not only be useful for the upcoming campaigns but as well as a database to see the growth of your advertising results. The algorithm of advertising platforms work better with more data. Thus the more data we collect, the better your ROIs in the long-run.

But Why Choose Us?

Social Media Advertising

Know when to aim for traffic and conversion!

It is important to know the best sequence for ad objective in order to achieve the goal we have. Running the wrong sequence will not only diminish your budget but will limit the possibilities of your ad results.

certified facebook advertiser

Have Certified Advertisers running your campaigns!

Our Advertisers are well equipped with the tools and knowledge of the latest algorithm updates. Why settle for less when you can get industry experts at your disposal?

Website Conversions Malaysia

Our Clients have seen up to a 60% increase in Conversions!

Have high website traffic but low conversions? Customers abandoning cart? Let us study your customer purchase journey and utilise data-trackers along the funnel to optimise conversions! 

Let's Scale
